Tuesday, November 6, 2012


"So encourage each other and build each other up." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Last Sunday morning the usual battle of getting ready for church was in full swing at our house. Mommy and Daddy have to shower. Baby Ben has to be fed then dressed. Madi has to be fed and chased down to get dressed. Oh wait, she doesn't like what I picked out for her to wear. She wants more to eat. She wants to go Trick or Treating (she has asked every day since Halloween). She wants to take a shower with Mommy. Baby Ben is crying - didn't I feed him already? Where is the diaper bag? Does it have diapers in it? Madi wants juice. Daddy leaves to help set up. Madi wants to go with him but has to stay with Mommy (Daddy is always a much better option to her). She starts crying. Let's get back to finding an outfit for her. What leggings do you want to wear? (Don't call them tights because then she says they are too tight) Time to do Madi's hair. Ok let's go, wait - Mommy isn't dressed! Mommy throws fifteen outfits on the floor trying to find something that doesn't look half bad. Madi is jumping on the bed effectively messing up her hair. Where is Baby Ben! Oh yea, I put him in his carseat already. Madi hair make over. Find Madi's sippy cup. Put Ben in the car. Wrangle Madi into the car. Ok let's go - wait, not yet. I need the single stroller not the double stroller. Take out double stroller. Put in single stroller. Get my clothes dirty in the process. Ok, now we are ready. We are finally in the car and we are an hour early. Thank you daylight savings - no one told my kids to sleep in an extra hour!!!!!

My 2 crazy kids

That night, my husband, Mike, tells me he loves how our kids are always dressed cute and Madi's hair is done. He thanks me for taking the time and tells me I am a great Mom. That little bit of encouragement makes the morning seem like a cakewalk. All is right with my little world and all because of two encouraging sentences.

It's crazy what a difference a word of encouragement can make. I think it is underrated in our world today.

My friend, Jessica, told me her daughter's pediatrician told her she is doing a good job. "It is so reassuring to hear that" she said, "even though it may seem silly to some people, I really like hearing it."  It's not silly at all when you think about it.

I just thought this one was funny
It is important to be encouraging to people and it is something we could all benefit from. How hard is it to encourage those around us? When we see opportunity to encourage someone, we should take it. It's not hard and can help form lasting relationships.

I love to hear encouragement. Being a parent is scary enough. As a mom (insert whatever noun works for your situation: student, wife, sister, aunt, teacher, etc.) I am constantly second guessing myself and wondering if I am doing a good job. Did I make the right choice? Am I a good mother? Any words of affirmation, encouragement or support make me a more confident mother.

It is so easy to doubt yourself. That is what the enemy wants. He wants us to feel inadequate, lame, pathetic, stupid, worthless, etc. In fact, he is whispering those very things to you constantly! We have an opportunity to combat that negativeness with encouraging positive words. We should be taking every chance to encourage those we are in contact with.

The next time you see someone who could use some encouragement, go for it! Make their day!