Saturday, September 22, 2012

Different but just as amazing

I have a new baby boy to add to my wonderful family. I am loving this new life I have. Before he was born I wondered how I would ever love another baby as much as my little girl. Everyone told me they will be totally different but I will love them the same. I was honestly worried because I felt my daughter was super amazing and awesome so how could someone else even hold a candle to her. Well, let me tell you, everyone was right. My little boy is totally different but just as amazing!

Benjamin Michael
They are very different and I can tell some of the differences already. My daughter is loud, high energy and opinionated. Baby Ben is super chill and relaxed. He is content to be held, or lay on the bed, or swing in the swing, or bounce in the bouncer. Whenever he fusses, he either needs to be fed or just have a change of scenery. He is also very tolerant of his older sister and her frequent hugs, kisses, accidental kicks and bonks.

My discovery of how I can love my two kids the same amount but appreciate their differences reminds me of God and his love for us. He loves us all the same but made each of us different on purpose. We each have our unique personalities, strengths, weaknesses and gifts. God did this on purpose and as part of His plan. But dispite our differences and how we may percieve ourselves, he loves us infinitely and perfectly without loving one more than another. His love for us is how we should model the love we give on Earth.
"This is real love - not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." 1 John 4:10
"We love each other because he loved us first" 1 John 4:19
Take comfort in God's love for you this week. It is not based on what you can accomplish or achieve. It is not based on good or bad things you have done. You cannot earn it. You cannot make it disappear. Just take a moment to bask in it and feel it and take comfort in that unconditional love.